How to Avoid a Bad Cannabis High?

It doesn’t matter if you are a medicinal user or a recreational one, if you are not careful, a bad high can hit you. Marijuana high doesn’t care if you have a medical cannabis card or not.
Getting too high isn’t very uncommon. And there are various reasons why it may occur. It may depend on your tolerance, the type of product you are using, and many other things. And therefore, it’s really difficult to come up with a list of some specific factors that may get you too high. 

Though the instances of people getting too high on cannabis are a common sight now, people still don’t know how to deal with the situation. Therefore, we have made this amazing guide to help you get through a bad high as convenient as possible.

Symptoms of a Bad High

The symptoms may vary from person to person. But there are a few things that are common among almost all bad high instances. One of the most common symptoms of bad high is your face getting numb. Along with this, you may feel sweaty and short of breath. And when you don’t have any idea what’s going on, you’ll automatically feel scared. This fearful feeling will make way for some stomach distress too. This may further lead to vomiting.

Being too high is never good. But you should keep this in mind that this happens to a lot of people. And it won’t end up in anything fatal. But if you feel this occurring more often than you would like, we’re here to help you control the things.

How to Prevent it from Happening?

As we already discussed, there are countless reasons that may lead to a bad high. And therefore, it’s extremely hard for anyone to come up with a 100% effective preventive method. But there are a few tips that may help you enjoy the high without getting out of control.
Make sure you are in a comfortable place. Be with people who won’t judge you. Having strangers around you may make you feel uncomfortable, and thus trigger a bad high. It’s also a good idea to have a dedicated place for yourself if you need one. If you know you have a room or a car nearby to help you relax, it will keep you from being too anxious. Listening to loud music or watching T.V. can also lead to distress. And therefore, avoid it. If you feel like getting very high, close your eyes and relax for some time. Soon you’ll feel back in control.

And in the end, stay hydrated and eat well. This will keep the stress off your mind, and thus won’t let you get too high.

How to Help a Friend?

Now that you know how not to get too high, it’s always better to know how to help someone else in such a situation. Maybe one of your friends is not an experienced consumer. You can help make their experience as pleasant as possible. 

First of all, don’t be obsessive. Telling your friend to breathe every five seconds isn’t gonna help. You may ask some questions. But don’t repeat it again and again. Ask if they want something to eat or drink. Be there for them. But don’t push yourself. Sometimes they would want to be left alone. Just don’t take it personally. It’s quite normal. Just be nearby, in case they need you.
Getting too high isn’t a problem. It can happen to anyone. And it’s not a big deal. There are ways you can control it. Just smoke responsibly and everything will be in control. Have fun and be there to support each other. You’ll be just fine.
