A Little Help for First-Time Cannabis Tourists

Living in a state where cannabis is still illegal? Well, why not plan your next vacation to the cannabis-friendly state? 

Obviously, the states where cannabis is legal has become destination vacation spots for those who still don’t have legal access to cannabis in their own state. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your backpack and get on the next flight to your favorite cannabis-friendly state.

Stop stop stop!!! Not so quick, guys. At least let me give you some tips to make your vacation more fun.

Here are some of the suggestions for first-time cannabis tourists to make their trip awesome.

A little Pre-trip Research is Never a Bad Idea

Before you plan that long-awaited trip, do check the rules governing cannabis in the state you are planning to visit. This will certainly help you with the basics- how much cannabis is allowed, how to get it, and where you can consume it. Also, keep in mind, you may still need an MMJ card in some states to use the herb legally, even if the herb is legal there. For instance, in New York, you can consume the herb only medically. However, if we say you are visiting Palmdale, California, you don’t need a medical marijuana card Palmdale. California allows the use of cannabis recreationally too.

Some pre-trip research on the laws might save you from a lot of legal troubles.

Keep Your ID and some cash Handy

Always keep a govt. issued ID proof with you. You won’t be able to get your hands on marijuana if you are under 21. And to prove this, you need an ID. 

Also, most marijuana businesses still run on cash. And though the availability of ATMs is good, it’s better to keep some cash in hand just to be on the safer side.

Be Honest. It’s Always gonna work

There’s nothing wrong with being a first-time cannabis user. And trust me, the staff in cannabis dispensaries is very professional. They know how to handle first-time users. You may even ask them for their recommendation. They will be able to suggest the best product to you as per your requirements.

Don’t Break the Law

Legal access to cannabis in a state doesn’t mean you can consume it anywhere. Consuming marijuana in a public place is still illegal. Also, most of the restaurants, hotels, and bars still don’t allow consuming cannabis at their premises. Plus, cannabis is illegal under federal laws. Therefore, you cannot cross state borders or fly with recreational marijuana. Don’t ask any cannabis dispensary person how to circumvent the laws, you won’t get any help. Also, we recommend using edibles or vape pens for consuming marijuana as it won’t attract much attention, as in the case of smoking.

We recommend you don’t drive under the influence too. This may get you in some serious legal trouble. Plus, it may prove also dangerous for you and others.

So, these were some of the tips that might prove helpful to you during your first trip to a cannabis-friendly state. In the end, we’d just recommend you to be in line with the laws. And be as responsible as possible.
